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Geschrieben von capritec am 09.04.11 um 08.46:

  Guten Tag aus Polen! ;)

Hello from Poland!

Forgive me, I cant speak German, but feel free to talk to me in english smile

My name is Tadek, I am owner of '1971 Opel Kadett B 2dr limo 1.2 (this yellow one from Poland). My site is www.kadettb.pl but for now it needs much update.

I am founder of Younftimer Tarnow Club (youngtimer lovers club in my city), our page is www.youngtimer.tarnow.pl

My car is finished after almost 8 years restoration.
For now, you can take a look at it here:

Later I will put the car photos into this forum, when someone will translate to me how to do it !

best regards to all Kadett B freaks

Geschrieben von Gert Bijvank am 09.04.11 um 08.51:


Great job, beautiful car Top

Geschrieben von capritec am 09.04.11 um 09.28:


hello Gert!
I think we had a contact few years ago, nice to see you again smile

Geschrieben von Big-Elch am 09.04.11 um 11.44:


hello and welcome
the homepages are good and interesting !
- and of course: your Kadett also looks very good

Geschrieben von inspector.kadett am 10.04.11 um 09.21:


hi Tadek!
welcome to the crazy people!
english should not be a problem, but sometimes it takes a while for someone to answer.
but hey: patience is a well known word for people who screw around with old metal!
very nice limo you have there! klatsch

Geschrieben von Dedi am 12.04.11 um 13.13:



nice little Kadett!
I really like the clean look!

Geschrieben von Gert Bijvank am 12.04.11 um 13.18:


Original von capritec
hello Gert!
I think we had a contact few years ago, nice to see you again smile

I send you the CD's with technical information?
So yes, did you learned them by head already grinsssss

Geschrieben von Aaaaahhhndi am 12.04.11 um 13.32:



I know the ex-owner of the yellow Kadett B in your Banner at "www.kadettb.pl", the car is not existing anymore, he came from Germany/Schwelm. It was also in a german papermag for Opel cars called "flash" long ago... it was an OHV with Weber, modified Steelwheels in 8x13, small "Grant"-Steering Wheel from USA and alot more...


Geschrieben von capritec am 12.04.11 um 14.50:


Original von Gert Bijvank
Original von capritec
hello Gert!
I think we had a contact few years ago, nice to see you again smile

I send you the CD's with technical information?
So yes, did you learned them by head already grinsssss

No, I think it was not me. What data was in there?

Geschrieben von capritec am 12.04.11 um 14.53:


Original von Aaaaahhhndi

I know the ex-owner of the yellow Kadett B in your Banner at "www.kadettb.pl", the car is not existing anymore, he came from Germany/Schwelm. It was also in a german papermag for Opel cars called "flash" long ago... it was an OHV with Weber, modified Steelwheels in 8x13, small "Grant"-Steering Wheel from USA and alot more...


This car was my inspiration, when I saw it in Flash...I think in '97 (?).
What happend with it, while You wrote "car is not existing anymore". Crash or something?


Geschrieben von Gert Bijvank am 12.04.11 um 15.26:


No, I think it was not me. What data was in there?

Three CD's with manuals and technical information, but all in German and Dutch, not in Polish or English :finger:

Geschrieben von Kurt am 13.04.11 um 12.01:

  RE: Guten Tag aus Polen! ;)

Hallo aus Österreich klatsch

Geschrieben von Kadett_B_4tl am 13.04.11 um 20.54:

gro?es Grinsen Hello from the East !

Hello Tadek,

you are welcome.

"Later I will put the car photos into this forum, when someone will translate to me how to do it !"

I see you edit your first post with an external picture link,
so most of the following "statements" are "Unwichtig",
hope you don't mind biggrin

There is more than one way to do this.

1) You can upload your pictures direct to this forum .

Please pay attention to the forum rules.
The size for your uploaded pictures are limited
to only 80 kilo-byte (max).
Only 2 pictures in one post are allowed.

Open a new threat , write your text down and then you
click on this button called "Dateianhänge" .
[ Number (1) at Info Picture 1 ]

A new window called "Datei hinzufügen" will appear.
[ look Info Picture 2 ]

Now click an the button "Durchsuchen" (1), search your
hard drive directories for the picture you want to
upload to the forum.

Now click on the button "Speichern" (2).

2) Upload your picture(s) to an external image-hoster
and make an embedded link in your post.

For example :

Go to "Tinypic" http://tinypic.com/ and upload
a picture from your hard drive.

Copy the text for the embedded code in the field under
"IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards"
and paste it in the “Kadett B†forum-editor
on any position in your written text .

Another way to do this, is to click on button “Bilder einfügenâ€
[ look Number (3) at Info Picture 1 ] and insert a direct
picture - link

3) Use an external album-link

If you have a picture album online you can set a link in your
written text. Click on the button “Hyperlink hinzufügenâ€
[ refer to Number (2) at Info Picture 1 ]

For example :

This is a new free “Fake Account†on Photobucket ( It’s legal ! ).
If you like it, you can get the “Login†by sending me a PN.

Info Picture 1

Info Picture 2

Sorry for my English is very bad, because I never had to use it
and it's a long time ago, since I left the school.

Greetings from East-Germany

Geschrieben von Kadett_B_4tl am 13.04.11 um 21.06:

  Hello Gert

Hello Gert,

I don't speak dutch, so i try it in english.

Are there some additional informations on your three CD's
wich are not included in this downloads ?

Werkstatthandbuch Download

So whats the deal with your offer ?

Do you know where this place is ? Location from famous dutch comedy series,
"They are Idols of a new generation" .
The movie will be relased in Germany on 21.4.2011

My last dutch licorice allsorts are gone cry

Peter , Paul and Mary are planning a bank robbery.... rofl


Geschrieben von Gert Bijvank am 13.04.11 um 22.33:

  RE: Hello Gert

Original von Kadett_B_4tl
Hello Gert,

I don't speak dutch, so i try it in english.

Are there some additional informations on your three CD's
wich are not included in this downloads ?

Werkstatthandbuch Download

So whats the deal with your offer ?

Do you know where this place is ? Location from famous dutch comedy series,
"They are Idols of a new generation" .
The movie will be relased in Germany on 21.4.2011

My last dutch licorice allsorts are gone cry

Peter , Paul and Mary are planning a bank robbery.... rofl


kopfkratz confused :finger:

Die Downloads sind durch der Gerd (Zundi) eingestellt worden Top Ob alles von mir da auch zu finden ist ....weiss ich nicht :finger:
Wenn einer meine CD's dazu haben möchte...kein Problem, schicke mir 3 CD's und ich brenne es drauf.

Jeder Cafetaria (Imbiß) in die Niederlande die in die Nähe einer Platz(Platz=plein) liegt, nennt sich "Cafetaria Het Pleintje" ; davon gibt es also eine menge.

Bei uns sagt man "Lecker ist nur einen Finger lang", was bedeutet, das an das Leckere immer ein Ende kommt cry leider, aber :finger:

Bankrobbery? Münz Lakritze?

Geschrieben von Kadett_B_4tl am 13.04.11 um 22.58:

cool Ne ein Scherz !

Hallo Gerd ,

nein war nur ein Scherz von mir. Ich habe heute einen Clown
gefrühstückt . biggrin

Bei den Downloads dabei sind das Opel WHB Kadett A , Kadett B ( bis ) ,
Ralley Kadett (bis) und Kadett B ( ab ) sowie Olympia A.

Außerdem das Buch aus dem Zug Verlag ( Band 161 ) und ein Ersatzteil-
Katalog in englisch.

Der Imbiss soll der originale Imbiss aus der Serie " New Kids " sein ,
die folge mit dem roten Mo... kiff


Da soll das "Intro" gedreht worden sein

Peter , Paul and Mary are planning a bank robbery....

ist ein alter Witz von Otto Waalkes, wo mit Englisch für Fortgelaufene bzw.
english for runaways Leute veralbert wurden.

Hand's up ! Hände ab ! scheinheilig


Geschrieben von Aaaaahhhndi am 15.04.11 um 08.27:


Original von capritec

This car was my inspiration, when I saw it in Flash...I think in '97 (?).
What happend with it, while You wrote "car is not existing anymore". Crash or something?


a dude (lemme call him a stupid idiot) bought this car and sold it in pieces. He wanted to restore it but his abilities were that lousy... the car MUST BE DEAD FOR 100%... no other way. I was shocked as I´ve seen the car, I was there because I got a complete interiour (red seats, rear bank, door panels) for free...

The reason for him to buy that car was the steering wheel. It was a "Grant" from USA, written down in the car´s papers (illegal). The former owner of the car was driving the car even in Winter (have seen it live several times) and it was really rotten... what a shame...

Geschrieben von Gert Bijvank am 15.04.11 um 08.55:



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